The Murder at the Vicarage
by Agatha Christie is available to buy here.

Colonel Protheroe is not a popular man - he's so unpopular that even the vicar comments that should he be killed, it would be a service to mankind - and when just such a murder takes place, and in the vicar's study no less...Miss Marple investigates. A murder in her own village and what's more two people confessing to the murder? The elderly sleuth has her work cut out for her...
The 1st Novel by Agatha Christie to feature Miss Jane Marple.
when to read
This is a great summer time read and one to enjoy with a gin and tonic or iced tea in the garden.
Murder Mystery
With only a select group of suspects this is a classic closed circle mystery to get you playing detective.
A village murder set in Miss Marple's home village St Mary Mead.
Publishing info
This novel was published in 1930 after 'The Seven Dials Mystery' in 1929. The next novel written by Agatha Christie was 'The Sittaford Mystery' published in 1931. It wasn't until 1942 that another Miss Marple novel was published, 'The Body in the Library'.
overall rating
On Screen
Watching Agatha Christie
Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie was filmed as part of the ITV feature-length episodes and is Season 1 Episode 2 starring Geraldine McEwan as Miss Marple. There was also a Joan Hickson episode in 1986 filmed too (episode 4).
A German adaptation was filmed in the 70s with Inge Langen as Marple and the French series ‘Les Petits Meurtes d’Agatha’ had an episode called ‘L’affaire Protheroe’ (season 2, episode 14).
The Murder at the Vicarage Character List
Bill Archer | Local man accused of poaching by Colonel Protheroe |
Chief Constable Melchett | Chief Constable of Danemouth |
Clara | Mrs Price-Ridley’s maid |
Colonel Lucius Prothero | Magistrate, unpopular man who lives at Old Hall |
Constable Hurst | A police officer working on the case |
Curate Hawes | Curate to the vicar |
Dennis Clement | Leonard Clement’s nephew living with them |
Dr Haydock | Doctor at St Mary Mead |
Dr Quinton | The local vet at St Mary Mead |
Dr Roberts | Coroner based in Much Benham |
Dr Stone | An archaeologist working on a dig on the Protheroe land |
Elwell | Ex-resident of St Mary Mead used in an example by Miss Marple |
Emily | Maid for Miss Marple |
Fred Jackson | The younger cousin of Bill Archer who works at the fishmonger |
Gladdie | Kitchen maid in the Protheroe household |
Gladys Clam | Assistant to Dr Stone |
Henry Abbott | Resident at Lower Farm reported to be dying in a call to Reverend Clement |
Hilda | Mrs Lestrange’s maid |
Inspector Slack | Investigating officer |
Joe Bucknell | The landlord of the Blue Boar in St Mary Mead who thought his daughter was dating Mr Bailey only to discover it was his wife who was having an affair with him |
Lawrence Redding | An artist with a studio at the Vicarage and who is having an affair with Anne Protheroe |
Lettice Prothero | Sixteen-year-old daughter of Colonel Protheroe |
Major Hargreaves | An acquaintance of Miss Marple who has a secret second family and left his money to them rather than his wife when he died |
Manning | Chauffer at the vicarage |
Mary Adams | Housemaid at the vicarage |
Mary Adams | A local resident of St Mary Mead and gossip |
Mary Hill | Maid at the vicarage, dating Bill Archer |
Miss Amanda Hartnell | Local spinster and next-door neighbour of Caroline Wetherby |
Miss Bucknell | Daughter of the landlord of the Blue Boar whose father thought she was seeing a local man called Mr Baily |
Miss Caroline Wetherby | Local spinster and next-door neighbour of Miss Hartnell |
Mollie Carter | A married lady used in an example by Miss Marple |
Mr Bailey | Local man having an affair with Joe Bucknell’s wife |
Mr Cherubim | Chemist at St Mary Mead |
Mrs Abbott | Wife of Henry who denies making the call |
Mrs Anne Protheroe | Married to Colonel Prothero and having an affair with Lawrence Redding |
Mrs Archer | Bill Archer’s mother |
Mrs Bucknell | Wife of the landlord of the Blue Boar who was having an affair with Mr Bailey |
Mrs Estelle Lestrange | The first wife of Colonel Protheroe and Lettice’s mother |
Mrs Griselda Clement | Married to the Vicar |
Mrs Martha Price-Ridley | A widow who lives next door to the Vicarage |
Mrs Pratt | Cook for Colonel Protheroe at Old Hall |
Mrs Sadler | Mr Hawes’ landlady at 19 High Street, St Mary Mead |
Mrs Simmons | Housekeeper at Old Hall for Colonel Protheroe |
Raymond West | Miss Marple’s nephew, an author |
Reeves | Butler at Old Hall for Colonel Protheroe |
Rev. Leonard Clement | Vicar at St Mary Mead |
Rose | Parlour-maid in the Protheroe household |
Sir Henry Clithering | The former head of Scotland Yard and friend of Miss Marple |
Susan Hartley Napier | Friend of Lettice Protheroe who hosts a tennis party |
Colonel Potheroe
Anne Protheroe – with help from Laurence her accomplice
Laurence wants to marry Anne as a wealthy woman, Anne hates her husband and wants to marry Laurence.
Anne shoots her husband using a silencer.