Peril at End House Translation list - Chapter by Chapter

Chapter 1

Tendresse – tenderness

Pas encore. Ca m’amuse – Not yet. I find it interesting, it amuses me

Jeunesse – Youth

Chapter 2

Ca y est! – That’s it!

Mais dis donc! – But explain, say so!

Sacre tonnerre! – Sacred thunder! (e.g. by Jove!)

Revenons a nos moutons – To get back to the point, back on topic

Chapter 4

Tiens! C’est interessant ca – What! But that’s interesting

C’est tout simple! – It’s too easy

C’est gentil, ca! – That’s sweet

Je me demande ca sans cesse. Qu’est-ce que c’est – I keep asking myself. What is that?

Chatper 5

Allumeuse – Tease

Maladroit – Clumsy

Ah c’est malin – Ah, that’s clever

Voila ca qu’il nous faut! – That is what we need

Chapter 6

Precisement – Exactly, precisely

Pauvre enfant – poor child

Tisane – herbal tea

Enrhumer – catch a cold

Fluxion de poitrine – chest infection

Les Feus D’Artifices – Fireworks

Mais qu’est-ce que vous avez – But what do we have here, but what is this?

Chapter 9

Pour les autres – eh bien! – As for the others – well!

Crime passionanel – crime of passion

Parbleu – – Good lord

Chapter 10

A la bonne heure – All in good time

Enchante – Nice to meet you, how do you do

Quelle idee! – What an idea!

Chut – Slightly, just so

Chapter 11

Pauvre enfant – Poor child

Ah! Ce n’est pas raisonnable – Ah! That’s ureasonable

Chapter 12

Sacre tonnerre – Sacred thunder! (By Jove!)

Ah! Ca c’est bien plus difficile – Ah! That is much more difficult

Attendez – Wait

Ce que femme veut, Dieu veut – What women want, God wants

La bon Dieu – the good God

Metier – occupation, reason for being

Chapter 13

Non – c’est idiot! – No – That’s silly, idiotic

C’est bien ca – It’s all right

Chapter 14

C’est assez – That’s enough

Il me semble – It seems to me

C’est curieux – Its strange. Curious

Tres correct, ce bon M. Croft – Very true, that’s right Mr Croft

Comment? – how?

Au revior – Goodbye

Precisement – Exactly

‘Cette petite – This little one

‘Le dejeuner – Dinner

Chapter 15

Ah! Je le sais bien – Ah, I know it well, don’t I know it

En reculant – Going backwards

Entre nous – Just between us

Inutile – Needless, pointless

Chapter 16

Cette jeune fille – This young girl

En avant – Forward, onward

Parfaitement – Perfectly

Chapter 17

C’est inoui – It’s unheard of

Cette petit – This little one

Paurvre petit – Poor little thing

Sacre tonnerre – Sacred thunder! (By Jove!)

N’est ce pas? – Is it not so?

Diable! – Devil!

Chapter 18

Comment ca va, mon ami? – How are you, my friend?

Du tout – Not at all

A la bonne heure – All in good time

Tiens! – Here!

Tres bien. Je vous remercie – Very good. Thank you

Evidemment – Evidtnetallu

N’est-ce pas? – Is it not so?

‘ce n’est pas joli – That’s not pretty

Chapter 21

Quelle idee  – What an idea, what a thought

Eh bien – well

Ecoutez – listen

Chapter 22

Ah! Sapristi – By Jove!

Tout d’un coup – All of a sudden

C’est epatant – Its amazing